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About the LIMC

The treasure of myths and legends left behind by antiquity, which we call classical mythology, is an essential element of our cultural heritage. The study of its pictorial representations is the main objective that the LIMC Foundation has set itself for the LIMC, an international foundation under Swiss law founded in Geneva in 1972 and based in Basel since 1983. Its first task was to prepare and publish the Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC) (1981–1999 and Supplement 2009).

This work was subsequently extended by the Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum (ThesCRA) (volumes I–V: 2004–2006; volumes VI–VIII: 2011–2012; Index, 2014), which focuses on the ritual and cultic field. The LIMC Foundation was officially dissolved on 31 March 2014. Its archives and databases were transferred to the University of Basel. It will maintain and further develop them in the future.

About iconiclimc

The iconiclimc database is an image-enhanced spin-off of the original text-only LIMC database. Not all of the 51577 datasets feature one or more images. Furthermore, 21209 pictures are blocked for the ordinary visitor due to copyrights, and are only visible within the network of the Université de Lausanne.

Each dataset of the iconiclimc database shows the filename, the keywords and the bibliography. The filename corresponds to the original labeling of the digitized images. The number before the X is the ID of the iconographical card in the text-only database. The number after the X is the image counter.

The keywords contain the monument ID (MID), the museum and inventory number(s), the object information (material, category, datation, artist etc.), the keywords of the represented objects (chiton, club, shield etc.) and the keywords of the represented figures (Athena, Herakles etc.), the LIMC article and catalogue number (Athena 182, Herakles 3165 etc.), and the ThesCRA chapter and catalogue number ( etc.).