Iconiclimc API

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ID: 5a0c75ea46bf4650b1d8ebb669efec49
Keywords: MID201851, SMID98832, Herakles/Hercle Add 3, antefix, relief, Campania, terracotta, Italy, Capua, Museo Provinciale Campano, unknown, Herakles/Hercle
Description: Antefix, relief, Campania – Material: terracotta – Discovery: (not specified)
Subject: MID201851, SMID98832, Herakles/Hercle Add 3, antefix, relief, Campania, terracotta, Italy, Capua, Museo Provinciale Campano, unknown, Herakles/Hercle
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Rights: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
Source: Edlund-Berry, I. /Greco G. /Kenfield, D. (eds. ), Deliciae Fictiles III. Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy: New Discoveries and Interpretations. Proceedings.... Rome 2002 (2006) 274 fig. 27. 8.
City: Italy, Capua, Museo Provinciale Campano, Inventory: unknown (1. Inv.)
Genre: MID201851, SMID98832 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Herakles/Hercle, Add. 3
Scene: Herakles/Hercle